New Ramses College

Success For All Learners



NRC staff do not accept presents from any child or parent. Bus attendents and drivers do not take tips under any circumstances. 

A simple thank you card will be sufficient.

 If a parent insists on breaking bus rules, this may promptly lead to his child’s dismissal from the bus service.


Since it has been proven that food affects the level of concentration and health of your child, send a healthy, home-made snack for your child. Examples, include sandwiches, vegetables, fruits, fresh juices, etc. 

This policy also decreases conflicts among children. Unhealthy snacks are not allowed and will be taken away from the child. Examples of these unhealthy snacks include foods and drinks with too much sugar and most processed foods containing preservatives.

Valuable Items

 Jewelry, expensive school supplies, toys, money and any electronic devices are not allowed in school.

 School administration have experienced multiple problems due to the presence of mobile phones with students. 

Therefore, mobile phones are not allowed, if found with any student it will be directly confiscated. 

Parents will be asked to pick the mobile up from the school. In case of reoccurance serious consequences will be taken.

Extracurricular Activities (After School Programs)

  • Extracurricular Activities (After School Programs)
  • Activities beyond the school day have become an integral part of NRC.
  • The program offers activities such as music, art, sports, and computers. Notification will be posted on the school website.

Lost and Found


  •  Any lost items will be located on the school’s secretary’s office that your son/daughter belongs to.
  •  Your son/daughter can ask their class teacher/floor supervisor, to help him/her find their lost items.
  •  Items not cliamed by the end of the school year will be donated to a local charity.
  •  We strongly recommend that all articles and uniforms are labeled in advance.

Special Events

  Birthday parties will not be held in classes due to our tight schedule and other inconveniences. 

** School programs like the Fun Day and yearly programs will be announced in advance.

Field Trips

You can expect one or more trips outside the school during the year. These will take place during school hours. Children may be asked to bring lunches with them for the trip. Adequate supervision is provided for all trips. These trips provide opportunities for          experiential learning that enhances material being covered in the classroom. You will be informed of the time and venue of any trip ahead of time.

Cameras and other equipment are students’ sole responsibility.